I've often been asked, "Where does all that rage come from, that passion for bashing religion?" And the truth is I don't really know, so maybe it's time I thought about it.
I can intellectualise the reasons, for example, the fact that religion is leading the world to its ultimate destruction; how a fundamentalist desire for Armageddon and the preposterous "rapture" crap has created in the minds of many Americans - especially its leaders - a fervent desire for a nuclear holocaust.
That's a pretty good reason to be pissed off with religion.
But that's not really where the passion comes from. It has more to do with the contempt I feel for religious brainwashing and the effect it has on people. I hate to think of Catholics clambering up hillsides to watch the "blessed virgin" spin the sun and turn it pink, or crawling around on their hands and knees worshiping a lump of fungus on a wall that looks like Jesus, or going into raptures over a mouldy pizza crust.
I hate to see wealthy men in stupid hats and embroidered ball gowns preaching poverty to the starving masses. I hate to see children being raised in "sin" and taught to perform silly rituals to avoid "the fires of hell".

I hate to see pentecostal hillbillies dancing with rattle-snakes, or "demon possessed" lunatics rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth and speaking gibberish. It distresses me to see how willingly people surrender their reasoning faculty to grovel at the altar of stupidity.
I hate to see rabid Jews dressed in their stupid UFO hats with their hair in ringlets because "god" likes twisty hair. I stare incredulous as they tourniquet their arms to hasten the appearance of the prophesied yet long-overdue "messiah," and attach black boxes to their stupid foreheads for a session of violent head banging and nodding. They remind me of those perpetual motion daffy duck toys we had as kids that would keep bobbing their beaks into a saucer of water.

I hate to see demented Muslims flagelating themselves until they bleed, and grovelling five times a day because someone told them to. If they'd been told to stick three fingers up their arseholes five times a day that's exactly what they'd do.
I hate to see loony christians handing out leaflets proclaiming "He is Risen!" I hate to see Utah morons on bikes spreading abject nonsense. Joseph Smith was no more a prophet than was Monty Python. I hate to see incestuous parents dragging their sad kids around from door to door to save our souls.
All these people are mentally deranged and they make me sick. It is the ultimate form of prostitution, allowing priests, pastors, mullahs and other sleazy charlatans to sodomize their brains.
These imbeciles worship a low-rent deity. Anyone who stops to think about it for a moment will realise that, if there is a Universal Creator it would be immensely more intelligent than the ignorant savages who wrote the Bible and other so-called "holy" books. It would not be concerned with petty and trivial rituals. It would not insist on animal sacrifice to glorify its ghastly name.
God chose Abel's offering of meat over Cain's offering of fruit because the fragrance of burning flesh found favour with him. And when Noah beached his sea-going tea chest somewhere on the mountains of Ararat he sacrificed thousands of animals to titilate God's nostrils and God was "well pleased". How utterly absurd.
What kind of a punk "god" do these fools worship? Christians have the added absurdity of a messiah who cursed a fig tree to death for disobeying him, who drowned two thousand pigs to punish a man's "unclean spirits," who hated Gentiles, so much so that he refused to cure a sick child because she wasn't a Jew.
Gimmee a break!
But worst of all are the Benny Hinns of the world; the evil preacher men who claim to heal the sick through Jesus. Not content with lying to the sick and disabled as all godists do, these diabolical tyrants exploit them for financial gain. Let's hope there is such a place as hell because no other punishment will do for these low rats.
I may never completely understand what it is that drives me but it has a lot to do with exploiters and the exploited. The human brain is such a marvelous instrument, it deserves better than to be soaked in filth and stupidity.
Real Wild Church
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